If your surgery is non-orthopedic related, you will receive a phone call from one of our nurses, to go over your Medical history. Please call 484-762-1618 with any questions.
If you are having Orthopedic Surgery, below is a general guideline of what to expect as you move forward with your surgery at our hospital.
Before your Surgery:
- Our scheduler will call you 2-3 weeks before your surgery, to set up an appointment for Pre-Admission Testing, which needs to be done within 28 days of your surgery.
- A series of health questions will be asked to determine if a Cardiac Clearance, done by a Cardiologist, will be needed in addition to your Pre-Admission Testing Appointment.
At your Pre-Admission Testing Appointment:
- A thorough health history will be completed with a Nurse. Your medical record at our hospital is separate from that at Rothman, please bring a current list of all medications with name(s) and dosage(s).
- An EKG may be performed.
- Bloodwork may be drawn. All bloodwork is Non-Fasting. We will only notify you if your results come back abnormal, and we will discuss how to proceed.
- A History and Physical will be completed by the Nurse Practitioner.
- COVID testing is only required if you are symptomatic.
The Pre-Admission Testing Department is located inside the Rothman Building, at 400 Enterprise Drive, on the 1st Floor, Suite 105, in the same parking lot as our Surgical Hospital.
The Day Before Surgery:
- You will receive a phone call from the Hospital between 2-5PM with your arrival time for surgery and any additional instructions.
If you have any additional questions, please leave a message on the
Pre-Admission Testing Nurses' Line at
484-762-1626, and we will return your call.